How to Unclog a Shower Drain with Venegar and Baking Soda: A DIY Guide✅

A clogged shower drain can disrupt your daily routine, but there’s a budget-friendly and eco-friendly solution that might be right in your kitchen: baking soda. In this DIY guide, we’ll take you through the steps to unclog a shower drain using baking soda, providing you with a simple and effective alternative to commercial drain cleaners.

Identifying the Clog

Before diving into the unclogging process, it’s crucial to identify the signs of a clogged shower drain.

Signs of a Shower Drain Clog

  1. Slow Drainage:
    • Water taking longer than usual to drain is a clear indicator of a potential clog.
  2. Pooling Water:
    • Water pooling around your feet during a shower suggests a blockage in the drain.
  3. Unpleasant Odors:
    • Foul smells emanating from the drain can indicate the presence of trapped debris.

Gathering the Supplies

For this natural unclogging method, you’ll need a few common household items.

Materials Needed

  1. Baking Soda:
    • A versatile ingredient that can help break down clogs.
  2. Vinegar:
    • White vinegar is an excellent partner for baking soda, creating a fizzy reaction.
  3. Boiling Water:
    • Hot water serves to flush away the loosened debris.

Steps to Unclog with Baking Soda

Let’s go through the steps of unclogging your shower drain using the power of baking soda.

1. Remove Excess Hair and Debris

Start by removing any visible hair or debris near the drain entrance. This will help the baking soda penetrate deeper.

2. Pour Baking Soda

Carefully pour about a half cup of baking soda directly into the drain.

3. Add Vinegar

Follow the baking soda with a cup of vinegar. Witness the chemical reaction as the mixture begins to fizz, working on breaking down the clog.

4. Allow to Sit

Let the baking soda and vinegar mixture sit in the drain for at least 15 minutes. This gives it time to work on loosening and dissolving the clog.

5. Pour Boiling Water

After the waiting period, carefully pour a kettle of boiling water down the drain. The hot water helps flush away the dissolved debris.

6. Repeat if Necessary

For stubborn clogs, you may need to repeat the process or consider using a drain snake for additional assistance.

Preventive Measures

Taking preventive measures can help you avoid future clogs in your shower drain.

Preventive Tips

  1. Use a Drain Strainer:
    • Install a drain strainer to catch hair and prevent it from entering the drain.
  2. Regular Maintenance:
    • Implement the baking soda and vinegar method monthly for preventive maintenance.
  3. Avoid Soap and Hair Buildup:
    • Rinse the drain regularly with hot water to prevent soap and hair buildup.


In conclusion, unclogging a shower drain with baking soda is a simple and effective DIY solution. By following these steps and incorporating preventive measures, you can maintain a free-flowing shower drain without resorting to harsh chemicals. If the clog persists or if you encounter more severe plumbing issues, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. Enjoy a smoothly draining shower with this eco-friendly and wallet-friendly DIY unclogging method.